详细信息:We have developed a multi-parameter flow cytometry assay for the characterization of human regulatory T-cells. Millipore’s FlowCellect™ Human FOXP3 Treg Characterization Kit includes three directly conjugated antibodies: CD3 PE/Cy5, CD4 FITC, and FOXP3 Alexa Fluor™ 647, along with optimized fixation, permeabilization, wash, and assay buffers to provide researchers the ability to phenotypically distinguish human regulatory T-cells. Our combination of directly conjugated antibodies and optimized buffers allow for detection of CD3 and CD4 on the surface as well as FOXP3 within the nucleus simultaneously.
Antibodies against CD3 and CD4 are provided in the kit to characterize cells by their surface marker expression. CD3 is a marker for the T-cell receptor, while CD4 is a glycoprotein that is found on T helper cells, monocytes, dendritic cells, macrophages, and regulatory T-cells . When looking at CD4 positive cells which are also positive for CD3 you are effectively eliminating the Monocytes, Macrophages, and dendritic cells present in peripheral blood or PBMC’s from your analysis. These cells which are CD3+, CD4+, and also FOXP3 + identify the regulatory T-cell population.