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  • 产品编号:S7250
  • 产品规格:192T
  • 产品价格:¥7498
  • 类别:氧化应激
  • 厂商: millipore
  • 应用:ELISA
  • 详细信息:The OxyELISA™ Oxidized Protein Quantitation Kit provides a sensitive methodology for detection and quantitation of proteins modified by oxygen free radicals and other reactive species. Oxygen-derived free radicals have been implicated in numerous physiological functions such as apoptosis, cancer, aging, neurodegenerative diseases, chronic inflammatory diseases, pulmonary diseases, and cardiovascular diseases (for reviews, see ref. 1-4). Oxygen free radicals are generated by environmental factors such as ionizing radiation and chemical substances. They are also produced during normal cellular metabolism by mitochondrial electron transport, the cellular redox system, and by immune responses (1, 5-7). Although cells have developed various antioxidant defenses to protect against free radicals (7-9), free radicals that escape the defenses attack and modify subcellular components – nucleic acids, lipids and proteins (1, 10-12). In some cases, cells respond to the oxidative stimuli and allow the organism to adapt to the oxidative stress (13-15). Proteins are one of the major targets of oxygen free radicals and other reactive species. Oxidation of proteins modifies the side chains of methionine, histidine, and tyrosine and forms cysteine disulfide bonds (16-19). Metal catalyzed oxidation of proteins introduces carbonyl groups (aldehydes and ketones) at lysine, arginine, proline or threonine residues in a site-specific manner (1, 16, 20-22). The oxidative modification of proteins can modulate biochemical characteristics of proteins such as enzymatic activity (21-23), DNA binding activities of transcription factors (24-26), and the susceptibility to proteolytic degradation (12, 25-28). While a relationship between protein oxidation and aging has been suggested (29-31), little is known about the importance of oxidative modification of individual proteins in the pathophysiology of free radical mediated processes. In conclusion, the OxyELISA Oxidized Protein Quantitation Kit provides chemical and immunological reagents necessary to perform quantitative detection of carbonyl groups introduced into proteins by oxidative reactions with ozone or oxides of nitrogen or by metal catalyzed oxidation.
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  • 产品名称:EasySep Violet Magnet
  • 产品编号:18000
  • 产品规格:For isolating up to 2.5 x 10e8 cells
  • 产品价格:¥10240
  • 类别:其他分选配件
  • 厂商: StemCell
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  • 产品名称:Big EasySep Magnet
  • 产品编号:18001
  • 产品规格:For isolating up to 1 x 10e9 cells
  • 产品价格:¥15360
  • 类别:其他分选配件
  • 厂商: StemCell
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  • 产品名称:Easy50 EasySep Magnet
  • 产品编号:18002
  • 产品规格:For isolating up to 4 x 10e9 cells
  • 产品价格:¥16757
  • 类别:其他分选配件
  • 厂商: StemCell
  • 查看详情
  • www.mintaibio.com