详细信息:LA PCR Kit Ver.2.1. is designed and developed for Long and Accurate PCR Amplification of the target in any span length up to 48 kbp, employing a proprietary LA(long and accurate) PCR technology. Using TaKaRa LA Taq in conjunction with special reaction buffer (10x LA PCR Buffer II), it enables to generate longer and more accurate PCR products with greater yields. LA PCR Kit Ver.2.1 includes all the reagents required for optimal LA PCR in terms of efficient amplification, high fidelity and long PCR product yield. LA PCR technology will extend PCR applications, and is expected to be of particular value in facilitating genome analysis in various ways. Of course, this kit is also suitable to amplify short templates as well. Moreover, by using supplied specially designed buffer (2x GC Buffer I, II), this kit is applicable to amplify GC rich templates.