详细信息:Plastic coverslips can be used to assure that a constant volume of solution is applied per unit of specimen area. However, their handling time slows down the protocol. Each square centimeter of plastic coverslip will require the volume of reagent indicated in Table 5 (S7100, S7101) and Table 10 (S7110, S7111, S7160), so that the reagent volume applied per unit of tissue area can be held constant. The surface to be covered is always equal to the area of the plastic coverslip, not the area of the specimen.
Plastic coverslips may be trimmed to any desired size and shape. The kit's yield of specimens will be reduced if larger than standard coverslips are used.
When using ApopTag™ Kits that contain the anti-digoxigenin antibodies (S7100, S7101, S7110, S7111), plastic coverslips can be used during the incubation steps with the following reagents: WORKING STRENGTH TdT, and the ANTI-DIGOXIGENIN ANTIBODY. When using the ApopTag™ Fluorescein Direct Kit (S7160), the plastic coverslips can be used during incubation steps with WORKING STRENGTH TdT.