详细信息:The CHEMICON Quantitative Pseudopodia Assay Kit is a novel system designed to specifically isolate and quantitate extending or retracting pseudopodia from the cell body [Cho & Klemke, 2002]. This assay provides a quick and efficient system to aid in measuring the effects of various natural or synthetic compounds that specifically impact the microenvironment of the pseudopodial organelle including signaling processes, integrins or other adhesion receptors, and unique gene products. The assay is ideal for screening pharmacological agents that either stimulate or inhibit pseudopodia formation as well as for the identification of novel drug targets that impact cell chemotaxis.
In addition, Chemicon also provides QCM™ 24-well insert cell migration assay systems, CytoMatrix™ Cell Adhesion strips coated with ECM proteins or anti integrin antibodies, QCM Chemotaxis 96-well cell migration assay, and QuantiMatrix™ ECM protein ELISA kits