J immunol:chrA蛋白能够调节I型糖尿病中的自体免疫反应
发布日期:2016-01-08 浏览次数:3019
J immunol:chrA蛋白能够调节I型糖尿病中的自体免疫反应
I型糖尿病属于自身免疫病,其本质是宿主的免疫细胞针对自身胰岛beta细胞的自身抗原产生了免疫反应。因此,寻找到beta细胞中能够引发免疫细胞激活的自身抗原对于该疾病的治疗显得至关重要。之前的研究发现胰岛beta细胞中分泌一类叫做 chromogranin A 的蛋白,它是一类能够被自身免疫系统识别的抗原物质。然而,常规方法中通过缺失突变这些自身抗原物质来避免自身免疫反应的方法均没有很好的效果,而其中的原因并不清楚。最近,来自科罗拉多医学院的Kathryn Haskins研究组发现通过趋势突变掉chromogranin A,同时敲除相应的自身抗原物质,能够有效减缓自身免疫病的发病程度。相关结果发表在最近一期的《journal of immunology》杂志上。
Cutting Edge: Nonobese Diabetic Mice Deficient in Chromogranin A Are Protected from Autoimmune Diabetes
Rocky L. Baker, Brenda Bradley, Timothy A. Wiles, Robin S. Lindsay, Gene Barbour, Thomas Delong, Rachel S. Friedman, and Kathryn Haskins
T cells reactive to β cell Ags are critical players in the development of autoimmune type 1 diabetes. Using a panel of diabetogenic CD4 T cell clones derived from the NOD mouse, we recently identified the β cell secretory granule protein, chromogranin A (ChgA), as a new autoantigen in type 1 diabetes. CD4 T cells reactive to ChgA are pathogenic and rapidly transfer diabetes into young NOD recipients. We report in this article that NOD.ChgA?/? mice do not develop diabetes and show little evidence of autoimmunity in the pancreatic islets. Using tetramer analysis, we demonstrate that ChgA-reactive T cells are present in these mice but remain naive. In contrast, in NOD.ChgA+/+ mice, a majority of the ChgA-reactive T cells are Ag experienced. Our results suggest that the presence of ChgA and subsequent activation of ChgA-reactive T cells are essential for the initiation and development of autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice.